Rule #11

Happy Wednesday Everyone,

I am posting this a little late in the day, my apologies, but since I haven’t kept to my schedule for most of this year, I’m sure you didn’t notice. (At least, I hope you didn’t notice…)

Anyway, let us continue with Pixar’s 22 Storytelling Rules. The 11th rule is one that the writer-me lives by. Let’s take a gander at it:

Putting it on paper, lets you start fixing it. If it stays in your head, a perfect idea, you’ll never share it with anyone.

How often have you heard someone say, “I have a great idea for a novel!” In the circles I hang out in, I hear it quite a bit, but rarely do I ever see that completed novel. If we don’t write it, no one will ever know about all these wonderful stories in our heads.

Now, I know that a lot of people write for themselves – including myself! Just because we have no intention of sharing our stories to a wider audience, we still want to write it down and hone our message.

Can you remember how or what you thought 5 years ago? 10 years ago? Writing for ourselves is like writing to a future self – you’ll be surprised at what a younger-you had to say.

Whether you write for the world or for your eyes only, remember to share.


16 thoughts on “Rule #11

  1. This really was posted far too late in the day for me to comment on, but I was looking for an excuse to put off writing – I’ve got an idea, but it is turning out to be a pain getting it onto the page.

    1. Ah, come to my blog-home, dear, where procrastination is part of the art. 😉

      What’s your idea? Maybe telling it to someone else will put shape to it? Email if you don’t want the world to it.

    2. I’ve got an idea, but it is turning out to be a pain getting it onto the page

      I think that just about explains why most people who have that great idea don’t do it.

Get it out of your system